
Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Wed Jul 16 19:48:20 CEST 2003

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On Wednesday 16 July 2003 10:44, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> [...]
> Now to the business part - As you probably know, there is a sponsored bus
> going from Frankfurt to Novehrady the 21st and back the 26th. 8 people
> subscribed to the bus where 5 also want to go back with the bus. Since most
> of the participants stay until 31st I am wondering wether we should have to
> bus go back the 31st instead of the 26th.
> Now my questions are:
> - would anyone go back with the bus, if it returns the 31st who isn't
> subscribed to it yet?
> - those who are already subscribed to the bus: would you mind going back
> the 31st, is it a problem to you? If you want to go back 31st anyway -
> can you  cancel your alternative travel ticket?

I haven't subscribed yet for the bus as I want to stay until the 31st. If the 
bus travels back on that day, I would like to use the bus for both ways, if 
that is possible.

I think I have registered to come later than the bus arrives, but if I can 
register for the bus for both ways I would certainly come earlier.

As I did not yet make other travel arrangements (I planned to do this in the 
next few days) I would not need cancel an alternative travel ticket. In 
either case I need to have a quick answer whether I will the on the bus as 
otherwise I need to make my own travel arrangements.

Gunnar Schmi Dt

Whom do I need to contact to register for the bus if it goes back on the 31st?
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