Hi, some registration questions ;)

ettrich at greentech.cz ettrich at greentech.cz
Tue Jul 15 10:14:51 CEST 2003

Quoting Christoph Cullmann <cullmann at babylon2k.de>: 
> Hash: SHA1 
> Hi, 
> registered on the grentech page around one month ago for the meeting but 
> got the "please respond to that mail to confirm your reg." mail (and 
> but never got any further "k, you reg. is done" confirmation, is that  
> normal ? If not, how to contact or just redo the registration ? (the given  
> mail addresses at greentech page aren't that responsive it seems, not answer 
> to any of my 2 mails in the last month. 
> cu 
> christoph 
the registration is done automatically, so please excuse that you did not get 
a further conformation or a reply to your email. Now, as the main registration 
is finished you will receive further emails with further instructions, either 
over the emailadress containing all registered partitipants or directly to 
your email adress (also replys to the emails you wrote, changes of 
registration are collected and will be confirmed also). 
Best regards 
Rudi Ettrich 
   RNDr. Ruediger Ettrich, PhD.           
   Head of the Department for International Cooperation       
   Institute of Physical Biology USB          
   Phone:  +420 386 361 297           
   Mobile: +420 608 522 558           
   Fax:    +420 386 361 219           
   email: ettrich at greentech.cz  
Academic and University Center Nove Hrady
Zamek 136 ; CZ-37333 ; Nove Hrady ; CZ

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