2 workshops for the conference

Christopher TenHarmsel tenharmsel at staticmethod.net
Wed Apr 30 10:22:42 CEST 2003

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On Wednesday 30 April 2003 02:50, Daniel Molkentin wrote:
> 2) Under Windows, MacOS and other operating systems, the user is used to a
> consistant set of tools for basic system administration. Currently every
> distribution ships their own setup routines for that. While this is
> perfectly fine for the setup itself, I think tools for basic system
> administration (at least for the average set of tasks a home user has, I'd
> prefer DE-integrated tools (I am thinking of a KControl spin-off similar to
> KInfoCenter containing applets for (basic) system administration). Those
> should have backends for each distributor to fit his needs (ideally perl I
> guess, assuming Perl knowlege > C++ kowledge at most distributors). The
> other side is probably the marketing side of things (many people buy
> Distributions because they like their tools, so I guess many don't even
> want to drop sets of them for the sake of something common. This also needs
> to be worked out.
> Type: Workshop
> Participants: KControl-involved/interested developers, distributors
> Organizer: so far only me. Chris, can you come/are you interested?

When is the event at Nove Hrady?  I'm hoping to be in Europe for LinuxTag in 
July, but I'm in the states until then, so I probably won't be able to make 
it.  I think it's a great focus area though, as I highly agree that basic 
system administration tools for the desktop user are just about completely 
missing, and most tools that exist aim somewhere inbetween smart user and 
linux expert, completely leaving out people who aren't very familiar with 
linux at all.

Even if I can't be there, I'd like to stay involved in any discussions about 

- -Chris

- -- 
Christopher TenHarmsel, KDE Developer
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