[Nepomuk] Can't mainModel()->executeQuery

Christian Mollekopf chrigi_1 at fastmail.fm
Sat May 5 09:52:55 UTC 2012

I'm trying to write a little helper application to check the status of the 
akonadi indexing, but ran into a problem:

If I'm running this query:

Soprano::QueryResultIterator result = Nepomuk::ResourceManager::instance()-
>mainModel()->executeQuery(QString::fromLatin1("select ?compatLevel where { ?r 
nie:url <akonadi:?item=191> . ?r aneo:akonadiIndexCompatLevel ?compatLevel . 
}"), Soprano::Query::QueryLanguageSparql);

I get back a binding for compatLevel, but the node is always empty 
(result.binding(0).isEmpty() == true).

On the server-side I can see this:
chrigi ~ $[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] virtual void 
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] void 
New connection. New count: 12
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] Soprano::ODBC::Connection::Connection() 
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(25707)" Soprano: 
"SQLGetData for data length failed (iODBC Error: [iODBC][Driver 
Manager]Invalid cursor state)"
"/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(25707)" Soprano: "SQLGetData for data length 
failed (iODBC Error: [iODBC][Driver Manager]Invalid cursor state)"
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(25707)" Soprano: 
"SQLGetData for data length failed (iODBC Error: [iODBC][Driver 
Manager]Invalid cursor state)"
[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(25707)" Soprano: 
"SQLGetData for data length failed (iODBC Error: [iODBC][Driver 
Manager]Invalid cursor state)"

I have no clue how to debug that as there are no error messages at all on the 
client-side. Note that the exact same query works in nepomukshell and returns 
the correct result of "3".
Any ideas?


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