[Nepomuk] A repo for nepomuk-based kioslaves.

Luis Silva lacsilva at gmail.com
Mon Dec 24 21:42:15 UTC 2012

Dear all,

As Nepomuk becomes more powerful and optimised, new infrastructures can and have been 
built upon it. Examples include the nepomuktvnamer service by Sebastian Trueg or the subtitle 
search by Vishesh Handa. This is software that adds value to the kde desktop but will never 
reach the end users if it is not beaten into shape and put in a repository that modern 
distributions will pick-up. 

In this spirit, I propose the creation of the "nepomuk-kio-slaves" project. This project, similarly 
to "nepomuk-widgets", this project would accumulate all the kio-slaves that directly expose 
nepomuk data in a user-friendly manner.

As a start for this project I created a git repo in my personal scratch area with some old and new 
kio-slaves so that anyone can start contributing. In there you can find the following kios:

- music (the original kio from Sebastian Trueg);
- tv-shows (the original kio from Sebastia Trueg's tvnamer service);
- movies (a kio exposing all the movies known to nepomuk)
- people (a kio showing all the nco:PersonContact's known to nepomuk and some of the data 
that relates to that contact)

Ideas? Suggestions?
Luis Silva

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