[Nepomuk] nepoogle, an alternate query engine

Ignacio Serantes kde at aynoa.net
Tue Sep 27 10:23:59 UTC 2011


I recently released nepoogle,
http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Nepoogle?content=145505, that is a gui
version, with some improvements, of a SPARQL search engine that I developed
at the beginning of this year for fun and because I need to do searchs with
UTF-8 support. Recently I want to share my metadata with my girlfriend so I
begin to work in a more comfortable system to query Nepomuk data and
nepoogle is the first try.

Sebastian Trüg suggest in a post at kde-apps that I can merge my work but I
can barely read C++, nepoogle is developed in Python, and I have few free
time so I'm not sure how could I be useful to Nepomuk? Anyway would be happy
to help.

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