[Nepomuk] dump soprano-virtuoso.db data?

mcradle at gmx.com mcradle at gmx.com
Sun Sep 25 19:19:27 UTC 2011

I've been running KDE 4.6.3_0 on Mac OS X 10.5.8.
 And Nepomuk has been working nicely for me, I have installed KDE just so I'll have access to Nepomuk on Mac OS X.
 I've upgraded some other (unrelated to kde) package and failed to notice that it has upgraded qt4-mac and as it seems resolved the dependencies and upgraded to KDE 4.7.1_0, which doesn't even compile on OS X, but that's a diffrent topic.

 somewhere in the process I think I have lost some of my RDF data.
 not sure where it went and I'd like to try and rescue it. I think I discovered the missing data only once I've rebooted after (..some days) of the failed upgrade.

 having looked a little on the file-system I've notice that I have three copies of soprano-virtuoso.db.

 What I really would like is a way to dump those soprano-virtuoso.db and see if I can locate the missing data there. I'm assuming the reason I have these three is because of the mistaken upgrade
 and subsequent downgrade. and I hope that some data survived there.

 What's the best way to dump the data (or poke around in the database)?

 Can I just run a second soprano copy somehow and point it to the twin database file, or mabye export the data somehow using virtuoso tools?

 === here is some data on various copies of soprano-virtuoso.db on my system: ===

 bash-3.2$ kde4-config --localprefix 

 bash-3.2$ find / -iname "soprano-virtuoso.db" | xargs md5sum 
 47bee5dbbb2089ebc8c7fbdcdd8f128d /Users/mcradle/Library/Preferences/KDE/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/soprano-virtuoso.db 
 cccfbf7f025d7315a4a0f0d429699808 /Users/mcradle/Library/Preferences/KDE//share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/soprano-virtuoso.db 
 fbd670b399bc1db2579cda1ce25ca6b3 /opt/local/soprano-virtuoso.db 
 bash-3.2$ find / -iname "soprano-virtuoso.db" | xargs ls -l 
 -rw------- 1 mcradle staff 1627389952 Sep 25 22:04 /Users/mcradle/Library/Preferences/KDE/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/soprano-virtuoso.db 
 -rw------- 1 mcradle staff 8388608 May 29 10:25 /Users/mcradle/Library/Preferences/KDE/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/soprano-virtuoso.db 
 -rw------- 1 root admin 8388608 May 29 11:21 /opt/local/soprano-virtuoso.db 

 Any help will be appreciated,
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