[Nepomuk] First time Hello / Conquirere research tool / BibTeX ontology

Andreas Cord-Landwehr phoenixx at uni-paderborn.de
Sun Sep 25 13:36:08 UTC 2011

On Sunday 25 September 2011 14:14:58 Jörg Ehrichs wrote:
> > * Conferences: One of my key search terms in my personal paper database
> > are specific conferences. So it would be nice to have an additional
> > entity discribing a conference with its date/month, organization, and
> > place. AFAIK those values are also described by the BibTeX
> > meta-reference "conference".
> The "Conference" selection is missing, because I couldn't spot any
> difference between the BibTeX "conference" and "proceeding". Thus I've used
> proceeding currently.
> For the import everything will be transformed to proceeding and for the
> bibtex export you could choose if you want to use conference or proceeding
> If you need both and can explain what’s the real difference between those
> two are. I will add them also.

Hi, I agree that for pure biblography programs the difference between 
proceedings and conferences is negligible. You have usually a 1:1 mapping and 
those confrences without proceedings won't appear in a literature database 
anyways :)

However, I see the "conference" entity as a possible connection hub for other 
applications. For example, you have contacts to pepole that you met at a 
conference, the conference schedules, several todos, mails about flights an 
hotels and much more. All that is obviously not stored in a literature 
database and an entity like "proceedings" is not adequate to express the 
meaning of a conference at all.

So, in my opinion a conference entity would simplify the connection between 
the present literature and everything else that is connected to a conference 
(which actually is to most parts already contained in Nepomuk, like by the 
Akonadi feeders of KMail and KOrganizer...)


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