[Nepomuk] Result sorting with Nepomuk Querylib

Vishesh Handa handa.vish at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 17:36:52 UTC 2011

Hey Sebastian

I was working on my note taking application, and I want all the resources
which are notes. So, I did this -

Nepomuk::Query::ResourceTypeTerm typeTerm( Nepomuk::Types::Class(
PIMO::Note() ) );
Nepomuk::Query::Query query( typeTerm );

which was fine. Then I realized that I wanted the notes to be sorted
according to the last modification date.

Currently, I'm doing this -

    Nepomuk::Query::ResourceTypeTerm typeTerm( Nepomuk::Types::Class(
PIMO::Note() ) );
    Nepomuk::Query::Query query( typeTerm );

    Nepomuk::Query::Query::RequestProperty rp( NAO::lastModified(), false );
    query.addRequestProperty( rp );

    QString sparql = query.toSparqlQuery() + " order by desc(?reqProp1)";
    client->sparqlQuery( sparql );

Is it possible that you forgot to implement sorting in the query lib? Cause
I can't seem to find how to do it.

Vishesh Handa
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