[Nepomuk] RDF Geo vocabulary extensions

Sebastian Trueg strueg at mandriva.com
Mon Jul 25 16:05:51 CEST 2011

Hi Dan,

we are thinking about including the geo ontology into SDO[1] for being
installed alongside other default ontologies on every linux system.

However, for it to be used in Nepomuk[2] we require an extension. Of
course we could just put them into a separate ontology but I feel that
it would be cleaner to have them in the geo onto if at all possible.

The actual extension we need are properly set ranges on the literal
properties as we treat properties without range definitions as
"abstract" properties that cannot be set. (On the desktop we need to be
a little more closed-worldly than on the web)

Is this something you would consider adding to the official ontology?
And if so would it be possible for us to package a trig'ified version of
the geo ontology in SDO? What is the licence of the onto?

(by trig'ified I mean that the ontology would be put into its own graph
accompanied by a metadata graph the way we do with all our ontologies.)


[1] http://nepomuk.kde.org/
[2] http://oscaf.sf.net/

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