[Nepomuk] Re: dolphin faceted search under Kubuntu/KDE 4.6 RC2

Darren Cruse darren.cruse at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 11:56:20 CET 2011

> > And after reinstalling a bunch of stuff it's working! :)

Unfortunately for some reason the problem has come back - nepomuk searches
aren't working again.

It's in this mode where even regular searches don't work if Nepomuk is
enabled.  If I disable Nepomuk through System Settings / Desktop Search,
then regular searches start to work again.

I know you said Strigi indexing can prevent Nepomuk from working - at the
moment the System Settings applet says the indexer is idle.

Queries through NepomukShell (which is nice btw) are working fine though.

> Try this[1]:
> nepomukcmd query "select ?r where { ?r nao:hasTag ?t . \
>           ?t nao:prefLabel "foobar"^^xsd:string . }"

I hadn't defined the nepomuk alias so I did per the article

At first I got confused and used the alias for 4.6 thinking I'm on 4.6 RC2
but it did not find the socket where expected (any chance that's related to
my dolphin problem?).  I got the error:

"/usr/bin/sopranocmd(3302)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid
Failed to contact Soprano server through socket at

Then I switched to the other version of the nepomukcmd alias and your
suggestion to try above did work after I changed the inner "foobar" quotes
like so:

nepomukcmd query "select ?r where { ?r nao:hasTag ?t . ?t nao:prefLabel
'foobar'^^xsd:string . }"

> > If I can export the data as rdf/xml for me that would be ideal.
> nepomukcmd export ...

Regarding (from sopranocmd --help):

   --serialization <s> The serialization used for commands 'export' and
'import'. Defaults to 'application/x-nquads'.
                       (can also be used to change the output format of
construct and describe queries.)
                       (be aware that Soprano can understand simple string
identifiers such as 'trig' or 'n-triples'.
                       There is no need to know the exact mimetype.)

Would you know what value specifies the RDF/XML format?

> > My only other question at the moment is if dolphin's tagging features
> > are expected to let you use "tags" with values [...]
> This is not tags. This is full fledged semantic desktop stuff. There is
> no GUI for that yet - sadly. But you can do it on the command line for
> testing. First you need a property, say price. If you would do it 100%
> you would choose an ontology, import that into Nepomuk and then use it.

Apologize for being dense (still a little new to this stuff), but by
ontology do you mean an actual OWL ontology xml file?  And when you say
"choose an ontology" do I understand that I should always try and find
standard ones that already address what I'm needing (I've heard of the
"GoodRelations" ecommerce ontology that would e.g. include "price").  But
that in theory I can also create my own?

> But for now try this (I am in the process of providing a nice DBus API
> that wraps all this stuff):
> nepomukcmd add "<res-uri>" "<foobar:/test/price>" "75"

Seemed to add without error, and it appeared I could query back the
resources I assigned price to in Nepomuk shell.  Maybe I'm being dense
though in that I have not defined the "foobar" prefix anywhere(?)

> Actually what would be even better is to use nepomukshell since it also
> creates all the necessary metadata for the property.

There I did "create property" - which I guess is defining a "type of"
property in the Ontology?  But I was confused about how to add an actual
instance of that property when editing an actual resource...

> > Thanks again - I'm starting get encouraged,
> Encouraged yesterday, discouraged today. :)  That dolphin's stopped working
I mean. Yet other things seem to be working so that's encouraging.

If there's anything I can post here to diagnose the dolphin problem I'd
really appreciate it though I know I've posted a lot here I'm sure you're

Grepping for nepomuk shows these processes:
$ ps -ef | grep nepomuk
1001      2897     1  0 02:37 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/nepomukserver
1001      3233  2897  2 03:06 ?        00:02:01 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub
1001      3243  2897  0 03:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub
1001      3244  2897  0 03:06 ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub
1001      3246  2897  0 03:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub
1001      3247  2897  0 03:06 ?        00:00:33 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub
1001      3248  2897  0 03:06 ?        00:00:05 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub

When I run dolphin from a shell I see these stdout/stderr messages come out:

$ QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.
IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon
klauncher(1807)/kio (KLauncher): SlavePool: No communication with slave.
klauncher(1807)/kio (KLauncher): SlavePool: No communication with slave.
klauncher(1807)/kio (KLauncher): SlavePool: No communication with slave.
klauncher(1807)/kio (KLauncher): SlavePool: No communication with slave.

Could it be something about the "KIO Slave" (which I know almost nothing
about other than it's name :).

This link<http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Metadata/Nepomuk/TipsAndTricks#Using_Konqueror>
a KIO slave in the playground - I have not installed that?  That's not my
problem is it?
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