[Nepomuk] Re: newbie questions about KDE Nepomuk

Darren Cruse darren.cruse at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 14:17:08 CET 2011

Thanks for both your replies - boiled my questions down to the following:

In my mind I was imaging Nepomuk/Strigi indexing and feeding RDF into
Virtuoso using the Soprano C++ api on one side, and me hitting
Virtuoso's SPARQL endpoint (or manipulating triples in Virtuoso using
their java api) from the other side.

I'm certainly not tied to this approach (I'm too green to be tied to
anything at this point! :), but maybe I should clarify what led me to
think that way:

a.  For this project, the metadata extracted from the html assets
needs to be accessible remotely.  So using the books example, there
needs to be a single repository of meta data for a library of books
(Mandriva's RDF store), and multiple editorial people
accessing/querying that metadata - most likely using a web interface
since they run Windows not Linux.

(so here the motivation of using the SPARQL endpoint is the remote
access to the metadata)

b.  The initial project has built that web interface for
browsing/searching the RDF (meta)data, currently using XQuery to
transform RDF/XML into HTML.  To use Nepomuk I imagined changing that
code to simply hit a SPARQL endpoint, which returns XML from what I
understand, and just change the XQuery so it transforms the SPARQL
response XML to HTML.  I'd googled and known that Virtuoso does have a
SPARQL endpoint btw (wasn't sure whether Nepomuk exposed a SPARQL

(and here the motivation of using the SPARQL endpoint is reducing my work :)

c.  I guess the other reason I was thinking that way was to work
around the question of C++.  Right now I'm a one person team for the
project and I have done C++ in the past, but honestly it's been awhile
for me.  And more importantly code I write will be maintained by
people who are most likely java developers who don't know C++.

But regarding this last point, your comments made me think maybe if
e.g. the "assets linked by an html file" requirement wound up as C++
as part of what the Strigi indexing does, maybe you guys were saying
you'd be interested in that being contributed as open source?  I'd
need to read about Strigi to understand how it works - does it have
some kind of plugin idea?   Or would incorporating this truly mean
code I write winds up linked in with the indexer executable?

Maybe I'm encouraged enough to at least investigate some more...  I
did create a Mandriva Live CD to play with today.

Do you also have a link handy with instructions on getting/building
the playground version of Mandriva? :)

Thanks again,


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