[Nepomuk] Re: Akonadi::Nepomukfeeder: why aren't we using NIE::DataObjects / DataSources?

Sebastian Trüg trueg at kde.org
Tue Feb 22 11:43:31 CET 2011

I am not exactly sure what you mean here. Keep in mind that both
nie:DataObject and nie:DataSource are RDF classes and not C++ classes.
This means they are used to describe resource in the Nepomuk DB, not to
implement some C++ concept.


On 02/19/2011 12:45 PM, Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> Hi,
> Instead of the NepomukfeederAgents, shouldn't we actually use  an 
> AkonadiObject which is a subclass of NIE:DataObject together with a 
> NIE:DataSource for akonadi? 
> I couldn't find much info on the topic, nor any code of such a DataSource / 
> DataObject, but with the Nepomukfeeder we seem to have ignored the DataObject 
> side of NIE completely. 
> Also this works only one way (Akonadi -> Nepomk) while the other approach 
> would work both ways if I understood correctly.
> I reckon with the akonadi DataObject/DataSource part implemented correctly, 
> one could ignore akonadi completely in nepomuk applications, since Nepomuk 
> would encapsulate it, while akonadi i.e. still can sync the items over the 
> internet in the background, right?
> I understand that it was probably easier to go the Nepomukfeeder way as a first 
> implementation, but the proper thing to do would be IMHO the other way.
> Might be interesting thing to keep in mind for future implementations.
> But maybe I just misunderstood the the whole thing ;-)
> Anyone some Ideas on this?
> See: http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/nie/ for reference
> Cheers,
> Chris
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