[Nepomuk] indexing errors in Nepomuk output, indexing crashes

S Page skierpage at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 01:02:12 UTC 2011

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 09:01, Sebastian Trüg <trueg at kde.org> wrote:

>> (filewatch service) KInotify::slotEvent: "/." EventIgnored
>>         ^^ another line for each of dozens of special characters.
> I get these, too. I did not investigate that further yet as it seemed to
> me that they did not have any real impact on anything. But it is on my
> ToDO list (what isnt?)

:-) Is your ToDO list public? Maybe maintain it somewhere like

>> 2.
>>     [/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(27988)"
>> Soprano: "Invalid argument (1)": "Cannot set values for abstract
>> property 'http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/nfo#bitsPerSample'.
>> I can reproduce this by running `nepomukindexer path/to/file.wav` I
>> get it on other .wav files. What's strange is in Dolphin, the
>> Information panel shows "Bits per sample: 24"
> Which version of shared-desktop-ontologies are you using?

Version: 0.7.0-0ubuntu1 , the stock package for Kubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric).

In xmlindexer output, bitsPerSample is the one nfo property that isn't dated:
  <value name='http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/nfo#bitsPerSample'>16
compared with e.g.
  <value name='http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#sampleRate'>8000

Hmmm. Both /usr/lib/strigi/strigiea_riff.so and strigita_au.so  have the string
and both are mmap'd by xmlindexer.
Maybe Vishesh Handa's commit 3 months ago "Add the correct type in the
riff analyzer The riff analyzer should add nfo:Audio or nfo:Video
depending on the type of file it is analyzing" is relevant, but I'm
completely guessing ;-)

>> 3.
> ...
> This is the strigi indexer producing invalid data. This has been "fixed"
> recently.
>> 4.
>> "nepomukindexer dumped core indexing Firefox update file". I filed
>> <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/896456>
> This might be fixed in libstreamanalyzer master. Could you test that?

Here we go, bugs that might already be fixed. I've only got the one
computer running Kubuntu 11.10 (KDE 4.7.2). I dunno if trying to build
then "swap in" a few packages from master is a rat's nest. Is there a
build service with nightly  amd64 packages?  I have a spare partition,
I guess I could install something more bleeding-edge there and then
build KDE from source. How do KDE developers do it?

>> 5.
>> I've got an Outlook message with a calendar.ics attachment that
>> reproduceably crashes both nepomukindexer and xmlindexer in
>> icalparser_string_line_generator(). I filed
>> <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/897529> ,
>> the offending message is attached.
> This is interesting. This is a crash in a libstreamanalyzer plugin which
> is part of kdepim. So a bug report against some pim component might be
> in order - but which I am not sure...

Yup, the crash is in
libical.so.0 from package libical0
called from
strigiea_ics.so  from package kdepim-strigi-plugins
but I don't know how to reproduce from either of these. I hope the
Kubuntu team is responsive to Launchpad bugs...

Thanks for responding!

=S Page

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