[Nepomuk] Virtuoso eating up CPUs

Bèrto ëd Sèra berto.d.sera at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 22:14:08 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I'm not sure this is the right address for this, but I guess nepomuk is the
only service using virtuoso on my machine. After upgrading to KDE 4.5.1 I
have the following situation:

gentoo ~ # top
top - 23:08:12 up 27 min,  3 users,  load average: 2.72, 2.50, 1.96
Tasks: 204 total,   1 running, 203 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 57.5%us,  5.3%sy,  2.3%ni, 32.4%id,  1.2%wa,  0.2%hi,  1.2%si,
Mem:   2070852k total,  2006160k used,    64692k free,   218416k buffers
Swap:  1004020k total,     8112k used,   995908k free,   801184k cached


 3439 bertodse  20   0  131m 122m 6392 S   90  6.1  23:00.11 virtuoso-t

 3486 bertodse  20   0 88436  28m  16m S   16  1.4   3:40.49 krfb

 3263 bertodse  20   0  379m  95m  35m S    8  4.7   1:17.93 plasma-desktop

 2656 root      20   0  268m  58m 9428 S    6  2.9   1:18.28 X

 2925 freenet   30  10  426m 119m  14m S    4  5.9   2:38.24 java

 2842 bertodse  20   0 98.0m  26m 8316 S    2  1.3   0:31.48 deluged

 3435 bertodse  20   0  179m  18m  15m S    1  0.9   1:51.45 nepomukservices

 2972 gnunetd   39  19  137m 7252 3832 S    1  0.4   0:16.34 gnunetd

 4145 bertodse  20   0  144m  39m  17m S    1  2.0   0:05.59 chrome

 3591 bertodse  39  19 97916  25m  18m S    1  1.3   0:05.87 nepomukservices

 4241 root      20   0  2440 1216  880 R    1  0.1   0:00.15 top

Nepomuk services (is it the clients?) appear to behave correctly, yet
virtuoso is eating up the processor to the point in which KDE becomes hardly
usable. Is there a way to configure it, so that it calms down a bit?

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