[Nepomuk] Nepomuk Core - Questions & Patches

Vishesh Handa handa.vish at gmail.com
Fri May 7 23:02:35 CEST 2010


> On 05/07/2010 01:15 PM, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> > 1. The *Nepomuk::ResourceData::hasProperty( const QUrl& uri )* function
> > currently uses the MAINMODEL to answer. It think it should use the
> > cache, as it would be faster. The function *hasProperty( const QUrl& p,
> > const Variant& v ) *also uses the cache. A patch has been provided.
> yes, please commit.

> > 2. The *Nepomuk::ResourceData::removeProperty( const QUrl& uri )*
> > function doesn't update the cache. The setProperty function does. It
> > should be symmetrical. I think.
> also correct.
> Can you backport this one?
Committed and backported.

You are correct. But as you said the method is not used anyway, so we
> better remove it. right?

I was going through the code again and the documentation clearly mentions
that this function is meant for properties whose cardinality is one. (I
missed this!)

         * Update a property. This means an existing property is replaced if
it differs from
         * the provided value. Otherwise nothing is done.
         * This method assumes that the cardinality or property is 1.

So, it's doing exactly what it should. There is no reason to remove it. We
could put a warning if the cardinality is greater than 1 or modify it so
that it doesn't do anything if the cardinality > 1. I'll write a patch

- Vishesh Handa
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