[Nepomuk] Virtuoso issues after upgrading

Sebastian Trueg trueg at kde.org
Thu Feb 11 18:43:46 CET 2010

Virtuoso 6.0 did not work with Nepomuk at all. Thus, there is no tool to
do the conversion.
As for the error messages: they can be ignored for now. Everything
should work despite them.


Felix Tiede wrote:
> Hi.
> I've had issues with Akonadi and Nepomuk, resulting in Akonadi not working 
> due to "Nepomuk QueryServer not available".
> Turned out, I had upgraded virtuoso from 6.00 to 6.10 w/o upgrading the 
> database. There was also an old transaction log probably left over from an 
> unclean virtuoso shutdown prior to upgrade.
> This I found out by starting 'nepomukserver &' from a console and reading 
> virtuoso's messages. Virtuoso shut itself down.
> Solution of the problem contained two steps.
> First I had to clean an old transaction log, which was incompatible with 
> virtuoso-6.10. Officially one should install the old version of virtuoso, 
> rollforward the transaction log, then shutdown and upgrade. For me this was 
> not an option as my distribution does no longer provide a package for the 
> old virtuoso version. So I just deleted the transaction log hoping it did 
> not contain anything important.
> Second was upgrading the database itself.
> There is a howto for this here:
> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/UpgradingToVOS610#Upgrading%20to%20VOS%206.1.0%20from%20an%20earlier%20VOS%206.x
> For Nepomuk it doesn't work, unless one gets hold of the temporary ini-File 
> used to configure its virtuoso-instance. After starting virtuoso "by hand" 
> with a copy of this file ($> virtuoso-t +config /path/to/file +foreground) I 
> could connect to it by simply calling isql-v from another terminal.
> Next thing: The file sqlrdf23.sql mentioned in the link does not exist in 
> virtuoso's opensource filetree. Running out of options I just tried using 
> libsrc/Wi/clrdf23.sql from the opensource tarball and that worked as 
> described by the tutorial (took some time, then shut down the virtuoso 
> instance).
> Rerunning nepomukserver after these steps showed one remaining error:
> The xpf extension function http://www.openlinksw.com/xsltext/:unixTime2ISO-
>> DB.DBA.XML_UNIX_DATE_TO_ISO does not exist. Please delete the corresponding 
> row from DB.DBA.SYS_XPF_EXTENSIONS and restart the server.
> I don't know how to get rid of this error, but seemingly this doesn't 
> prevent nepomuk from running nicely with virtuoso and Akonadi now reports a 
> working search interface.
> If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask me.
> Regards and keep up the good work :)
> Felix
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