[Nepomuk] Bangarang player media library

Jamboarder jamboarder at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 1 18:36:43 CET 2010

> From: Sebastian Trüg <trueg at kde.org>

> Hi guys,
> ...
> ... It is just that we try to keep data that can be extracted from files 
> separate from the rest, i.e. have it in one graph which can easily be removed 
> and recreated. That is what the Strigi indexer service does.
> ...
> Resource::setProperty overwrites any existing triple with 
> subject/property pair.

Ahh.  I think I see now... So if Bangarang creates the data in nepomuk before Strigi does, Strigi may subsequently create a separate index graph containing the same extractable data.  If Strigi creates it first then Bangarang updates the existing data.

> The problem here is that Bangarang uses Taglib which cannot be used in Strigi. 
> Strigi is stream-based while Taglib is not. This is a well known and old 
> problem which leads to so much rewriting of code for Strigi.
> So converting the Banganrang analyzer to lsa is not an option, at least not 
> until the latter becomes a non-stream-based API.


> There is no duplication of data at the moment. The only thing that needs 
> fixing if I saw correctly is that Banganrang does use plain strings for 
> artists instead of nco:Contact resources.

In KDE SC 4.3 Bangarang uses the xesam ontology which defines just a string for the xesam:artist property. But for 4.4 it should be creating an nco:creator property pointing to an nco:Contact resource and then setting nco:fullName on the nco:Contact. If, it's not doing that then I need to fix it. :-) 

> This is another problem (not of Banganrang but lsa): it would be good to reuse 
> these contacts instead of recreating them everytime. The latter results in a 
> lot of Contact resources which confuses KDEPIM.

Hmm.  I probably don't have enough background on the topic, but I wonder whether PIMO might not be better for media artist/performer/composer/etc. metadata.  I've always imagined that nco:Contact in the desktop context as a person/company that I actually has some kind of contact with, instead of a place holder for any person/group.  I love Muse, System of a Down and Bob Marley, but, much as I'd like to, I don't think I know them well enough for them to be in my address book.  Just a (perhaps misguided) thought...

> The Strigi service does create the one graph which is 
> marked as the index graph for that particular file[1]. This graph contains 
> only data that can be recreated by re-indexing the file. So in theory 
> Bangarang would need to add its own graph with data only extracted from the 
> file. But then we need to sync that data. If we were to put it in the same 
> graph that is used by Strigi then Strigi would delete that data again on 
> update. Also not a perfect solution. But maybe better since media files almost 
> never change....

Perhaps another work-around could be for apps working with file resources in nepomuk to always give Strigi a chance to create the nepomuk data first.  Bangarang could ask Strigi to index any file it opens. After that it can continue to work as it currrently does: Updating existing triples, adding new triples for custom metadata (Strigi shouldn't delete these on re-indexing right?)  Longer term we could work on the plugin issue for extending strigi indexing capabilities.

Hope this helps,

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