[Nepomuk] The Semantic Desktop Wants You: Use tags (and other metadata) everywhere

Alessandro Sivieri alessandro.sivieri at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 14:06:08 CET 2009

2009/10/26 Stefanos Harhalakis <v13 at v13.gr>

> * Provide a two-way file handling (open/save/etc) dialog: Imagine the well-
> known "open file" dialog with two tabs: One for "file-based" file handling
> and
> one for "tag-based" or "semantic" file handling. Thus we will be able to
> locate files either the old way or using tags (and other criteria)
It's a work in progress in playground... It has been my summer of code
project, and I must admit that I haven't worked on it for the last month and
a half, but I promise improvements will come soon! :)

Sivieri Alessandro
alessandro.sivieri at gmail.com
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