KDE Neon / Freecad

Bernhard Schiffner bernhard.schiffner at gmx.net
Mon Oct 26 16:38:54 GMT 2020

Am Montag, 26. Oktober 2020, 12:37:33 CET schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> This is a limitation of neon indeed.  But there's new packaging formats
> which mean we don't get into this sort of mess any more, just install the
> snap
> https://snapcraft.io/freecad
> Jonathan

Good point!
I didn't know about ....

Freecad starts ok from snap, but I can't download / install the workbenches I need for productive work.
(FYI These workbenches are extensions which do "the real work" using the freecad "skeleton" and are mostly programmed using python.)
What goes wrong: I don't know. I assume (now) the extension manager itself uses some python which was not (completely) included in the snap.
How these extensions survive the necessary restart of freecad after their installation: this is open to test ...

Can someone confirm this?

Otherwise: I try to implement a little new feature in freecad, so being able to compile freecad would be something good for me too...

Thanks and greetings!

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