KDE Neon o Debian?

Vincent Duvals vincentduvals at hotmail.fr
Tue Jun 6 15:50:53 UTC 2017


right now I'm looking for a Linux distribution. I was planning to take a KDE Debian distribution, and this weekend I came across KDE Neon, and I was super happy. But I just saw that it did not exist on Debian but only on Ubuntu. There is really no version of KDE Neon on Debian?

If not, my fear of Ubuntu come from the problems heard about private life (advertising, Amazon, etc.). Do you confirm that? And is KDe Neon prone to such problems? Since it is a Ubuntu reworked, it does not work the same (I do not know much). Because if I want to leave Windows after years of good and loyal service it is to leave Big Brother and the direct connection to the NSA.


Vincent Duvals

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