Fwd: Auto-discard notification

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 01:50:35 UTC 2017

This got bounced:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shalok Shalom <shalokshalom at protonmail.ch>
To: "neon at kde.org" <neon at kde.org>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2017 18:53:43 -0500
Subject: ISO-Writer
Hi there :)

I see, you use the ROSA Image Writer.

As you know for sure, is that one currently practically unmaintained

There is a fork, which is fully maintained and offers one important
feature more: ISO verification on the stick,
which means this procedure checks both, the integrity of the stick
itself and that one of the port, which is in use.
Both are often underrated reasons for a broken live media, in my
personal experience.
Plus, there are some issues fixed.

You can build it with static libs, similar to how ROSA did it:



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