
Nicolas Kovacs info at
Sat Dec 16 09:43:04 UTC 2017


I'm new to this list, so let me introduce myself. I'm a fifty year old
Austrian living in Montpezat, a little village in South France. My
company Microlinux is specialized in Linux & Open Source based solutions.

I'm normally a die-hard CentOS user on servers, desktops and
workstations. Unfortunately, CentOS is not very suited for very recent
desktop hardware. I've been searching around quite a bit for a
replacement with more recent components, and KDE neon has become my
distribution of choice for these use cases. Here's a few examples on my
technical blog.

I'm also a Linux boot author for the french editor Eyrolles, under the
pen name "Kiki Novak".

We're planning a "Linux for Dummies"-like book for 2018, and it will
most likely be based on KDE neon.

By the way: what's this distribution's main communication channel? This
mailing list? IRC? Some forum?

Cheers from the sunny South of France! And huge pat on the shoulders of
the development team. You've put together a snappy little distribution.

Niki Kovacs
Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
Site :
Blog :
Mail : info at
Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32

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