[neon/infrastructure/pangea-data] imager: Revert "clashes with the live-tools defaults"

Carlos De Maine null at kde.org
Fri Sep 27 13:13:34 BST 2024

Git commit 9d8a1e761d4d7ef491f396dbc435b0f68c0e3420 by Carlos De Maine.
Committed on 27/09/2024 at 12:13.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'master'.

Revert "clashes with the live-tools defaults"

This reverts commit a2a5c7a71ae1116cd2b88b330ce50419b92e7697.

M  +29   -29   imager/ubuntu-defaults-image


diff --git a/imager/ubuntu-defaults-image b/imager/ubuntu-defaults-image
index dfe4e02..57aee72 100755
--- a/imager/ubuntu-defaults-image
+++ b/imager/ubuntu-defaults-image
@@ -425,35 +425,35 @@ if [ ! -e binary/casper/vmlinuz ]; then
-#elif [ "$VERSION_CODENAME" = "noble" ] && [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then
-#  cat <<EOF > config/hooks/000-rename-kernel.binary
-##!/bin/sh -ex
-#ls -lah binary/
-#ls -lah binary/casper
-#if [ ! -e binary/casper/initrd ]; then
-#    echo "\$0: Renaming initramfs to initrd..."
-#    mv -v binary/casper/initrd.img-* binary/casper/initrd
-#if [ ! -e binary/casper/vmlinuz ]; then
-#    echo "\$0: Renaming kernel to vmlinuz..."
-#    # This will go wrong if there's ever more than one vmlinuz-* after
-#    # excluding *.efi.signed.  We can deal with that if and when it arises.
-#    for x in binary/casper/vmlinuz-*; do
-#	case \$x in
-#	    *.efi.signed)
-#		;;
-#	    *)
-#		mv \$x binary/casper/vmlinuz
-#		if [ -e "\$x.efi.signed" ]; then
-#		    mv \$x.efi.signed binary/casper/vmlinuz.efi
-#		fi
-#		;;
-#	esac
-#    done
+elif [ "$VERSION_CODENAME" = "noble" ] && [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then
+  cat <<EOF > config/hooks/000-rename-kernel.binary
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+ls -lah binary/
+ls -lah binary/casper
+if [ ! -e binary/casper/initrd ]; then
+    echo "\$0: Renaming initramfs to initrd..."
+    mv -v binary/casper/initrd.img-* binary/casper/initrd
+if [ ! -e binary/casper/vmlinuz ]; then
+    echo "\$0: Renaming kernel to vmlinuz..."
+    # This will go wrong if there's ever more than one vmlinuz-* after
+    # excluding *.efi.signed.  We can deal with that if and when it arises.
+    for x in binary/casper/vmlinuz-*; do
+	case \$x in
+	    *.efi.signed)
+		;;
+	    *)
+		mv \$x binary/casper/vmlinuz
+		if [ -e "\$x.efi.signed" ]; then
+		    mv \$x.efi.signed binary/casper/vmlinuz.efi
+		fi
+		;;
+	esac
+    done
 # set default language
 cat <<EOF > config/hooks/000-default-language.binary

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