[neon/extras/calligra/Neon/release_jammy] debian: breaks & replaces

Carlos De Maine null at kde.org
Fri Sep 6 11:27:24 BST 2024

Git commit dd73c2091c018013485ae1293bb0f22015ddac6f by Carlos De Maine.
Committed on 06/09/2024 at 10:27.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/release_jammy'.

breaks & replaces

M  +37   -1    debian/control


diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index e36b659..a51cc3c 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -82,22 +82,58 @@ Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/calligra/calligra.git
 Package: calligra
 Architecture: all
+Depends: qt6-base,
+         qt6-svg,
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
 Breaks: braindump (<< 1:4),
         calligra (<< 1:4),
         calligra-data (<< 1:4),
         calligra-gemini (<< 1:4),
+        calligra-gemini-data, (<< 1:4),
         calligra-libs (<< 1:4),
+        calligra-reports-map-element (<< 1:4),
+        calligra-reports-web-element (<< 1:4),
+        calligraactive (<< 1:4),
+        calligraauthor (<< 1:4),
         calligraflow (<< 1:4),
+        calligraflow-data (<< 1:4),
         calligragemini (<< 1:4),
+        calligraplan  (<< 1:4),
         calligrasheets (<< 1:4),
+        calligrasheets-data (<< 1:4),
         calligrastage (<< 1:4),
         calligrastage-data (<< 1:4),
         calligrawords (<< 1:4),
+        calligrawords-common (<< 1:4),
         calligrawords-data (<< 1:4),
         karbon (<< 1:4),
         okular-backend-odp (<< 1:4),
         okular-backend-odt (<< 1:4),
-        ${misc:Depends}
+Replaces: braindump (<< 1:4),
+          calligra (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-data (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-gemini (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-gemini-data, (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-libs (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-reports-map-element (<< 1:4),
+          calligra-reports-web-element (<< 1:4),
+          calligraactive (<< 1:4),
+          calligraauthor (<< 1:4),
+          calligraflow (<< 1:4),
+          calligraflow-data (<< 1:4),
+          calligragemini (<< 1:4),
+          calligraplan  (<< 1:4),
+          calligrasheets (<< 1:4),
+          calligrasheets-data (<< 1:4),
+          calligrastage (<< 1:4),
+          calligrastage-data (<< 1:4),
+          calligrawords (<< 1:4),
+          calligrawords-common (<< 1:4),
+          calligrawords-data (<< 1:4),
+          karbon (<< 1:4),
+          okular-backend-odp (<< 1:4),
+          okular-backend-odt (<< 1:4),
 Description: extensive productivity and creative suite
  This suite is a set of applications written to help you to accomplish your
  work. It includes office applications such as a word processor,

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