[neon/snap-packaging/gwenview-snap/Neon/release-24.08] debian: back to bash

Carlos De Maine null at kde.org
Mon Nov 11 07:48:43 GMT 2024

Git commit d8374f4be1f3a4c761c093a448c99210fde22b94 by Carlos De Maine.
Committed on 11/11/2024 at 07:48.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/release-24.08'.

back to bash

M  +28   -19   debian/snap-base-proto.yml


diff --git a/debian/snap-base-proto.yml b/debian/snap-base-proto.yml
index 1fabaa8..705a990 100644
--- a/debian/snap-base-proto.yml
+++ b/debian/snap-base-proto.yml
@@ -28,26 +28,35 @@
   stage: deploy
     - Snap
-  workflow:
-    rules:
-      # run the job on mainline branches of mainline repositories
-      - if: $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "master"
-          variables:
-            KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL: "edge"
-      # RC branch = beta
-      - if $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "Neon/release-24.12"
-          variables:
-            KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL: "beta"
-      # Branch tags = candidate
-      - if $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "Neon/release-24.08"
-          variables:
-            KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL: "candidate"
-      # new release tag (new tarball release) = stable needs to be set off manually until ephemeral vm's are a thing
-      #if $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "v24.08.3"
-      - if $SNAP_PUBLISH_TYPE" == "manual"
-          variables:
-            KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL: "stable"
+  rules:
+    # run the job on mainline branches of mainline repositories
+      when: on_success
+    # or when triggered manually we don't want the manual job to block the pipeline
+    - when: manual
+      allow_failure: true
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
   interruptible: true
+  script:
+  - |
+    # set the channel for the snap dependent on which branch we are building
+    # master = edge
+    if [ $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "master" ]; then
+        export KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL="edge"
+    # RC branch = beta
+    elif [ $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "Neon/release-24.12" ]; then
+        export KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL="beta"
+    # Branch tags = candidate
+    elif [ $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "Neon/release-24.08" ]; then
+        export KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL="candidate"
+    # new release tag (new tarball release) = stable needs to be set off manually until ephemeral vm's are a thing
+    #elif [ $KDE_SNAP_BRANCH == "v24.08.3" ]; then
+    elif [ $SNAP_PUBLISH_TYPE" == "manual" ]; then
+        export KDE_SNAP_CHANNEL="stable"
+    else
+        echo "this is not a publishable branch"
+    fi
     #name: Snap deploy artifacts
     #expose_as: 'KDE neon snaps deploy'

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