[neon/snap-packaging/kde-qt6-core-sdk] /: Remove the static libs from the snap...

Scarlett Moore null at kde.org
Sun Jun 9 11:53:05 BST 2024

Git commit d2d8f4d56be5ce4480cc7f4b44691b6d489f56e8 by Scarlett Moore.
Committed on 09/06/2024 at 10:52.
Pushed by scarlettmoore into branch 'master'.

Remove the static libs from the snap...

M  +1    -0    snapcraft.yaml


diff --git a/snapcraft.yaml b/snapcraft.yaml
index 984f852..2919089 100644
--- a/snapcraft.yaml
+++ b/snapcraft.yaml
@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ parts:
       - -usr/share/doc-base
       - -usr/share/lintian
       - -usr/share/man
+      - -usr/lib/*/*.a
     override-stage: |
         craftctl default
         find $CRAFT_STAGE -type f,l -name "*.pc" -exec bash -c "sed -i 's:/root/stage:/snap/$CRAFT_PROJECT_NAME/current:g' {}*" \;

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