[neon/neon-packaging/stellarsolver/Neon/release_jammy] debian: tweak packages short descriptions

Pino Toscano null at kde.org
Tue Jul 9 15:01:15 BST 2024

Git commit f6da329bf5dccf68d15ba803c0a1057257157789 by Pino Toscano.
Committed on 05/02/2021 at 15:19.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/release_jammy'.

tweak packages short descriptions

M  +2    -2    debian/control


diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index e1609be..cf3d1ed 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Multi-Arch: same
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Stellar Solver library
+Description: Sextractor and Astrometry.net-Based Internal Astrometric Solver
  An Astrometric Plate Solver, built on Astrometry.net and SEP (sextractor).
 Package: libstellarsolver-dev
 Architecture: any
 Depends: libstellarsolver1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Stellar Solver library - development files
+Description: development files for the Stellar Solver library
  An Astrometric Plate Solver, built on Astrometry.net and SEP (sextractor).
  This package contains the Stellar Solver development files.

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