[neon/neon/livecd-rootfs/Neon/unstable] live-build/auto: don't mangle let apt-ftparchive do it do

Carlos De Maine null at kde.org
Wed Aug 21 14:24:04 BST 2024

Git commit 2459ead54ca953db5c65fcce9f83bfd7c8020721 by Carlos De Maine.
Committed on 21/08/2024 at 13:22.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/unstable'.

don't mangle let apt-ftparchive do it do

M  +12   -12   live-build/auto/build


diff --git a/live-build/auto/build b/live-build/auto/build
index f54f342c..8f20ec79 100755
--- a/live-build/auto/build
+++ b/live-build/auto/build
@@ -449,18 +449,18 @@ Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/preinstalled-pool.gpg
 			## Mangle binary ISO maindir to contain cdrom repo.
 			## But only if the installer is Ubiquity, Calamares has special code
 			## to clean up the preinstalled repo after installation.
-			if [ -e chroot/usr/bin/ubiquity ]; then
-				mkdir -p binary/.disk/ || true
-				echo full_cd/single > binary/.disk/cd_type
-				rm -rf binary/dists/
-				mv chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists binary/
-				rm -rf binary/pool/
-				mv chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/pool binary/
-				rm chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.d/preinstalled-pool.list
-				rm -r chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/
-			fi
+			#if [ -e chroot/usr/bin/ubiquity ]; then
+			#	mkdir -p binary/.disk/ || true
+			#	echo full_cd/single > binary/.disk/cd_type
+			#
+			#	rm -rf binary/dists/
+			#	mv chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists binary/
+			#	rm -rf binary/pool/
+			#	mv chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/pool binary/
+			#
+			#	rm chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.d/preinstalled-pool.list
+			#	rm -r chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/
+			#fi
 			## End of mangle
 			# We only want to have a cache for the pre-installed pool at this point

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