[neon/backports-jammy/libjxl-jammy/Neon/stable] debian/patches: Remove another patch applied upstream

Scarlett Moore null at kde.org
Wed Sep 6 15:01:20 BST 2023

Git commit 5e348c0833503d5fde357a3de8e3c90578c14684 by Scarlett Moore.
Committed on 06/09/2023 at 16:00.
Pushed by scarlettmoore into branch 'Neon/stable'.

Remove another patch applied upstream

D  +0    -102  debian/patches/1a36db0bf452a2232f0a15d7d8edb542e8196401.patch
M  +0    -1    debian/patches/series


diff --git a/debian/patches/1a36db0bf452a2232f0a15d7d8edb542e8196401.patch b/debian/patches/1a36db0bf452a2232f0a15d7d8edb542e8196401.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ca9ca14..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/1a36db0bf452a2232f0a15d7d8edb542e8196401.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-From 1a36db0bf452a2232f0a15d7d8edb542e8196401 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mathieu Malaterre <mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com>
-Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2023 08:43:31 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix big-endian test for float16
-The following commit allow the `CodecTest.TestRoundTrip`,
-`ModularTest.UnsqueezeIntegerOverflow` test and
-`DecodeTest/DecodeTestParam.PixelTest/301x33*f16*` test family to pass
-on big-endian architectures.
-Fixes #1024
- lib/jxl/modular_test.cc |  4 ++--
- lib/jxl/test_utils.h    | 14 +++++++++++---
- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-Index: libjxl/lib/jxl/modular_test.cc
---- libjxl.orig/lib/jxl/modular_test.cc
-+++ libjxl/lib/jxl/modular_test.cc
-@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ TEST(ModularTest, PredictorIntegerOverfl
-   PaddedBytes compressed = std::move(writer).TakeBytes();
-   extras::PackedPixelFile ppf;
-   extras::JXLDecompressParams params;
--  params.accepted_formats.push_back({1, JXL_TYPE_FLOAT, JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0});
-+  params.accepted_formats.push_back({1, JXL_TYPE_FLOAT, JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN, 0});
-   EXPECT_TRUE(DecodeImageJXL(compressed.data(), compressed.size(), params,
-                              nullptr, &ppf));
-   ASSERT_EQ(1, ppf.frames.size());
-@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ TEST(ModularTest, UnsqueezeIntegerOverfl
-   PaddedBytes compressed = std::move(writer).TakeBytes();
-   extras::PackedPixelFile ppf;
-   extras::JXLDecompressParams params;
--  params.accepted_formats.push_back({1, JXL_TYPE_FLOAT, JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0});
-+  params.accepted_formats.push_back({1, JXL_TYPE_FLOAT, JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN, 0});
-   EXPECT_TRUE(DecodeImageJXL(compressed.data(), compressed.size(), params,
-                              nullptr, &ppf));
-   ASSERT_EQ(1, ppf.frames.size());
-Index: libjxl/lib/jxl/test_utils.h
---- libjxl.orig/lib/jxl/test_utils.h
-+++ libjxl/lib/jxl/test_utils.h
-@@ -407,6 +407,11 @@ std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(cons
-   size_t num_channels = format.num_channels;
-   bool gray = num_channels == 1 || num_channels == 2;
-   bool alpha = num_channels == 2 || num_channels == 4;
-+  JxlEndianness endianness = format.endianness;
-+  // Compute actual type:
-+  if (endianness == JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN) {
-+    endianness = IsLittleEndian() ? JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN : JXL_BIG_ENDIAN;
-+  }
-   size_t stride =
-       xsize * jxl::DivCeil(GetDataBits(format.data_type) * num_channels,
-@@ -431,6 +436,7 @@ std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(cons
-       }
-     }
-   } else if (format.data_type == JXL_TYPE_UINT16) {
-+    JXL_ASSERT(endianness != JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN);
-     // Multiplier to bring to 0-1.0 range
-     double mul = factor > 0.0 ? factor : 1.0 / 65535.0;
-     for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
-@@ -438,7 +444,7 @@ std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(cons
-         size_t j = (y * xsize + x) * 4;
-         size_t i = y * stride + x * num_channels * 2;
-         double r, g, b, a;
--        if (format.endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-+        if (endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-           r = (pixels[i + 0] << 8) + pixels[i + 1];
-           g = gray ? r : (pixels[i + 2] << 8) + pixels[i + 3];
-           b = gray ? r : (pixels[i + 4] << 8) + pixels[i + 5];
-@@ -460,12 +466,13 @@ std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(cons
-       }
-     }
-   } else if (format.data_type == JXL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
-+    JXL_ASSERT(endianness != JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN);
-     for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
-       for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
-         size_t j = (y * xsize + x) * 4;
-         size_t i = y * stride + x * num_channels * 4;
-         double r, g, b, a;
--        if (format.endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-+        if (endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-           r = LoadBEFloat(pixels + i);
-           g = gray ? r : LoadBEFloat(pixels + i + 4);
-           b = gray ? r : LoadBEFloat(pixels + i + 8);
-@@ -483,12 +490,13 @@ std::vector<double> ConvertToRGBA32(cons
-       }
-     }
-   } else if (format.data_type == JXL_TYPE_FLOAT16) {
-+    JXL_ASSERT(endianness != JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN);
-     for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; ++y) {
-       for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; ++x) {
-         size_t j = (y * xsize + x) * 4;
-         size_t i = y * stride + x * num_channels * 2;
-         double r, g, b, a;
--        if (format.endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-+        if (endianness == JXL_BIG_ENDIAN) {
-           r = LoadBEFloat16(pixels + i);
-           g = gray ? r : LoadBEFloat16(pixels + i + 2);
-           b = gray ? r : LoadBEFloat16(pixels + i + 4);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f91e3c8..28d1826 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

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