[neon/neon-packaging/kpipewire/Neon/unstable] debian: remove old

Jonathan Esk-Riddell null at kde.org
Fri May 19 17:38:29 BST 2023

Git commit 02b9bcef8bca3309cb82a8eb7000761754c5489a by Jonathan Esk-Riddell.
Committed on 19/05/2023 at 16:38.
Pushed by jriddell into branch 'Neon/unstable'.

remove old

M  +12   -0    debian/control


diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index fcad516..d72ddcc 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -71,3 +71,15 @@ Description: KDE's Pipewire library
  Components for rendering and recording PipeWire streams using Qt.
  This package contains the QtQuick module.
+Package: qml-module-org-kde-pipewire
+Architecture: any
+Depends: qml6-module-org-kde-pipewire (= ${binary:Version}),
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${shlibs:Depends}
+Priority: extra
+Section: oldlibs
+Description: KDE's Pipewire library transitional
+ Components for rendering and recording PipeWire streams using Qt.
+ .
+ This is a dummy package which can be removed.

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