[neon/backports-jammy/accounts-qml-module/Neon/unstable] debian: debian/copyright: Add auto-generated copyright.in file for later tracking of copyright changes.
Mike Gabriel
null at kde.org
Thu Jun 22 01:59:10 BST 2023
Git commit 689b2195c39a771ef90aa03841065e81c88d158d by Mike Gabriel.
Committed on 04/02/2023 at 09:21.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/unstable'.
debian/copyright: Add auto-generated copyright.in file for later tracking of copyright changes.
A +130 -0 debian/copyright.in
diff --git a/debian/copyright.in b/debian/copyright.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e23ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright.in
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: FIXME
+Upstream-Contact: FIXME
+Source: FIXME
+Disclaimer: Autogenerated by licensecheck
+Files: accounts-qml-module.pro
+ common-installs-config.pri
+ common-project-config.pri
+ common-vars.pri
+ coverage.pri
+ debian/accounts-qml-module-doc.install
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/not-installed
+ debian/qml-module-sso-onlineaccounts.install
+ debian/rules
+ debian/source/format
+ debian/watch
+ doc/accounts-qml-module-ubuntu.qdocconf
+ doc/css/qtquick.css
+ doc/css/scratch.css
+ doc/doc.pri
+ doc/qtquick.css
+ doc/ubuntu-appdev-site-header.qdocconf
+ src/qmldir.in
+ src/src.pro
+ tests/data/applications/mailer.desktop
+ tests/data/bad.provider
+ tests/data/badmail.service
+ tests/data/badshare.service
+ tests/data/cool.provider
+ tests/data/coolmail.service
+ tests/data/coolpublisher.application
+ tests/data/coolshare.service
+ tests/data/e-mail.service-type
+ tests/data/mailer.application
+ tests/data/sharing.service-type
+ tests/mock/mock.pro
+ tests/tests.pro
+ tests/tst_plugin.pro
+Copyright: NONE
+License: UNKNOWN
+Files: examples/create-account.qml
+ examples/simple-view.qml
+ examples/ubuntu-sdk-view.qml
+ src/account-service-model.cpp
+ src/account-service-model.h
+ src/account-service.cpp
+ src/account-service.h
+ src/account.cpp
+ src/account.h
+ src/application-model.cpp
+ src/application-model.h
+ src/application.cpp
+ src/application.h
+ src/credentials.cpp
+ src/credentials.h
+ src/debug.cpp
+ src/debug.h
+ src/manager.cpp
+ src/manager.h
+ src/plugin.cpp
+ src/plugin.h
+ src/provider-model.cpp
+ src/provider-model.h
+ tests/mock/signon.cpp
+ tests/mock/signon.h
+ tests/tst_plugin.cpp
+Copyright: 2013, Canonical Ltd.
+ 2013-2016, Canonical Ltd.
+ 2015-2016, Canonical Ltd.
+License: LGPL-2.1
+Files: doc/generate_html.sh
+ doc/index.qdoc
+ doc/manifest-files.qdoc
+ src/accounts.qdoc
+Copyright: 2012, Canonical Ltd.
+ 2013, Canonical Ltd.
+ 2016, Canonical Ltd.
+License: LGPL-3
+Files: doc/accounts-qml-module-common.qdocconf
+ doc/accounts-qml-module.qdocconf
+Copyright: 2013, Canonical Ltd.</div> "
+License: UNKNOWN
+Files: README.md
+Copyright: NONE
+License: LGPL-2.1
+Copyright: 1991, 1999, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ <year> <name of author>
+ disclaimer" for the library, if
+ ed by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+ ed interfaces, the
+ interest in the
+ the
+License: LGPL-2.1
+Files: debian/copyright
+Copyright: -format/1.0/
+ 2013, Canonical Ltd.
+License: UNKNOWN
+Files: doc/css/base.css
+Copyright: 2011, Canonical Ltd.
+License: UNKNOWN
+Files: doc/ubuntu-appdev-site-footer.qdocconf
+Copyright: 2013, Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. <a class="link-bug" href="https:bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+filebug">Report a bug on this site</a></p> "
+License: UNKNOWN
+Files: doc/css/reset.css
+Copyright: 2010, Yahoo! Inc.
+License: UNKNOWN
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