[neon/qt6/pyside6/Neon/release] debian: Print files that needs to be packaged and do not override shlibdeps

Anupam Basak null at kde.org
Sun Jul 2 15:49:26 BST 2023

Git commit 3dc0313420558fb93debe85319ba3eabe9abbd93 by Anupam Basak.
Committed on 02/07/2023 at 09:11.
Pushed by anupambasak into branch 'Neon/release'.

Print files that needs to be packaged and do not override shlibdeps

M  +7    -4    debian/rules


diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index bbdac31..d2612ad 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -31,14 +31,17 @@ override_dh_auto_clean:
 	# DO NOT USE pybuild INSTALL as it skips some files that is required in the package
 	# List the files to be able to update *.install files
-	-find .
+	echo "PySide/Shiboken files to package"
+	echo "--------------------------------"
+	-find ./build/qfp-*-relwithdebinfo/install
+	echo "--------------------------------"
-	ln -s python3/dist-packages/shiboken6/libshiboken6.abi3.so.6.5 debian/python3-pyside6/usr/lib/libshiboken6.abi3.so.6.5
-	dh_shlibdeps -a -O--buildsystem=pybuild -l$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-pyside6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/shiboken6/
+#	ln -s python3/dist-packages/shiboken6/libshiboken6.abi3.so.6.5 debian/python3-pyside6/usr/lib/libshiboken6.abi3.so.6.5
+#	dh_shlibdeps -a -O--buildsystem=pybuild -l$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-pyside6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/shiboken6/
 	dh $@ --with python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild

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