[neon/backports-jammy/libjxl-jammy/Neon/release] debian/patches: d/patches: Improve cjxl/djxl manpages. Closes: #1023641

Mathieu Malaterre null at kde.org
Mon Feb 6 00:28:53 GMT 2023

Git commit 0ee301c387ae210bad6b4131e581b4c760afe949 by Mathieu Malaterre.
Committed on 29/01/2023 at 12:01.
Pushed by carlosdem into branch 'Neon/release'.

d/patches: Improve cjxl/djxl manpages. Closes: #1023641

A  +350  -0    debian/patches/manpages.patch
M  +1    -0    debian/patches/series


diff --git a/debian/patches/manpages.patch b/debian/patches/manpages.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5937fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/manpages.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+Description: Clean up man pages
+Author: Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl/pull/1288
+Last-Update: 2022-03-29
+Index: libjxl/doc/man/cjxl.txt
+--- libjxl.orig/doc/man/cjxl.txt
++++ libjxl/doc/man/cjxl.txt
+@@ -31,40 +31,31 @@ cjxl input.gif output.jxl
+ Options
+ -------
+-    Displays the options that `cjxl` supports. On its own, it will only show
+-    basic options. It can be combined with `-v` or `-v -v` to show increasingly
+-    advanced options as well.
++    0 = Do not encode using container format (strip Exif/XMP/JPEG bitstream reconstruction data).1 = Force using container format (default: use only if needed).
+-    Increases verbosity. Can be repeated to increase it further, and also
+-    applies to `--help`.
++    If --lossless_jpeg=1, store JPEG reconstruction metadata in the JPEG XL container (for lossless reconstruction of the JPEG codestream).(default: 1)
+ -d 'distance'::
+ --distance='distance'::
+-    The preferred way to specify quality. It is specified in multiples of a
+-    just-noticeable difference. That is, `-d 0` is mathematically lossless,
+-    `-d 1` should be visually lossless, and higher distances yield denser and
+-    denser files with lower and lower fidelity. Lossy sources such as JPEG and
+-    GIF files are compressed losslessly by default, and in the case of JPEG
+-    files specifically, the original JPEG can then be reconstructed bit-for-bit.
+-    For lossless sources, `-d 1` is the default.
++    Max. butteraugli distance, lower = higher quality.
++    0.0 = mathematically lossless. Default for already-lossy input (JPEG/GIF).
++    1.0 = visually lossless. Default for other input.
++    Recommended range: 0.5 .. 3.0. Mutually exclusive with --quality.
+ -q 'quality'::
+ --quality='quality'::
+-    Alternative way to indicate the desired quality. 100 is lossless and lower
+-    values yield smaller files. There is no lower bound to this quality
+-    parameter, but positive values should approximately match the quality
+-    setting of libjpeg.
++    Quality setting (is remapped to --distance). Range: -inf .. 100.
++    100 = mathematically lossless. Default for already-lossy input (JPEG/GIF).
++    Other input gets encoded as per --distance default.
++    Positive quality values roughly match libjpeg quality.
++    Mutually exclusive with --distance.
+ -e 'effort'::
+ --effort='effort'::
+-    Controls the amount of effort that goes into producing an ``optimal'' file
+-    in terms of quality/size. That is to say, all other parameters being equal,
+-    a higher effort should yield a file that is at least as dense and possibly
+-    denser, and with at least as high and possibly higher quality.
++    Encoder effort setting. Range: 1 .. 9.
++    Default: 7. Higher number is more effort (slower).
+ +
+ Recognized effort settings, from fastest to slowest, are:
+ +
+@@ -78,6 +69,176 @@ Recognized effort settings, from fastest
+ - 8 or ``kitten''
+ - 9 or ``tortoise''
++    Brotli effort setting. Range: 0 .. 11.
++    Default: 9. Higher number is more effort (slower).
++    Favour higher decoding speed. 0 = default, higher values give higher speed at the expense of quality
++    Enable progressive/responsive decoding.
++    Force premultiplied (associated) alpha.
++    Force disable/enable preserving color of invisible pixels (default: 1 if
++    lossless, 0 if lossy).
++    Order in which 256x256 groups are stored in the codestream for progressive rendering. Value not provided means 'encoder default', 0 means 'scanline order', 1 means 'center-first order'.
++    Determines the horizontal position of center for the center-first group order. The value -1 means 'use the middle of the image', other values [0..xsize) set this to a particular coordinate.
++    Determines the vertical position of center for the center-first group order. The value -1 means 'use the middle of the image', other values [0..ysize) set this to a particular coordinate.
++    Use the progressive mode for AC.
++    Use the progressive mode for AC with shift quantization.
++    Progressive-DC setting. Valid values are: -1, 0, 1, 2.
++    Use modular mode (not provided = encoder chooses, 0 = enforce VarDCT, 1 = enforce modular mode).
++    If the input is JPEG, losslessly transcode JPEG, rather than using reencode pixels.
++    Enable/disable chroma-from-luma (CFL) for lossless JPEG reconstruction.
++    Number of worker threads (-1 == use machine default, 0 == do not use multithreading).
++    How many times to compress. (For benchmarking).
++    Adds noise to the image emulating photographic film noise. The higher the given number, the grainier the image will be. As an example, a value of 100 gives low noise whereas a value of 3200 gives a lot of noise. The default value is 0.
++    Force disable/enable dots generation. (not provided = default, 0 = disable, 1 = enable).
++    Force disable/enable patches generation. (not provided = default, 0 = disable, 1 = enable).
++    Resampling for extra channels. Default of -1 applies resampling only for low quality. Value 1 does no downsampling (1x1), 2 does 2x2 downsampling, 4 is for 4x4 downsampling, and 8 for 8x8 downsampling.
++    Resampling for extra channels. Default of -1 applies resampling only for low quality. Value 1 does no downsampling (1x1), 2 does 2x2 downsampling, 4 is for 4x4 downsampling, and 8 for 8x8 downsampling.
++    Do not downsample the given input before encoding, but still signal that the decoder should upsample.
++    Edge preserving filter level, -1 to 3. Value -1 means: default (encoder chooses), 0 to 3 set a strength.
++    Force disable/enable the gaborish filter. (not provided = default, 0 = disable, 1 = enable).
++    Upper bound on the intensity level present in the image in nits. Leaving this set to its default of 0 lets libjxl choose a sensible default value based on the color encoding.
++    color_space indicates the ColorEncoding, see Description(); icc_pathname refers to a binary file containing an ICC profile.
++--override_bitdepth=0=use from image, 1-32=override
++    If nonzero, store the given bit depth in the JPEG XL file metadata (1-32), instead of using the bit depth from the original input image.
++-I 'F'::
++    [modular encoding] Fraction of pixels used to learn MA trees as a percentage. -1 = default, 0 = no MA and fast decode, 50 = default value, 100 = all.Higher values use more encoder memory.
++-C 'K'::
++    [modular encoding] color transform: -1=default, 0=RGB (none), 1-41=RCT (6=YCoCg, default: try several, depending on speed)
++-g 'K'::
++    [modular encoding] group size: -1 == default. 0 => 128, 1 => 256, 2 => 512, 3 => 1024
++-P 'K'::
++    [modular encoding] predictor(s) to use:
++- 0=zero,
++- 1=left,
++- 2=top,
++- 3=avg0,
++- 4=select,
++- 5=gradient,
++- 6=weighted,
++- 7=topright,
++- 8=topleft,
++- 9=leftleft,
++- 10=avg1,
++- 11=avg2,
++- 12=avg3,
++- 13=toptop predictive average
++- 14=mix 5 and 6,
++- 15=mix everything.
++Default 14, at slowest speed default 15
++-E 'K'::
++    [modular encoding] number of extra MA tree properties to use
++    [modular encoding] Use color palette if number of colors is smaller than or equal to this, or -1 to use the encoder default.
++    [modular encoding] quantize to a palette that has fewer entries than would be necessary for perfect preservation; for the time being, it is recommended to set --palette=0 with this option to use the default palette only
++-X 'PERCENT'::
++    [modular encoding] Use Global channel palette if the number of colors is smaller than this percentage of range. Use 0-100 to set an explicit percentage, -1 to use the encoder default.
++-Y 'PERCENT'::
++    [modular encoding] Use Local (per-group) channel palette if the number of colors is smaller than this percentage of range. Use 0-100 to set an explicit percentage, -1 to use the encoder default.
++    The codestream level. Either `-1`, `5` or `10`.
++-R 'K'::
++    [modular encoding] do Squeeze transform, 0=false, 1=true (default: true if lossy, false if lossless)
++    Print encoder library version number and exit.
++    Be more silent
++    If non-empty, a string matching '^(0*|1[01]*)'. If this string has a '1' in i-th position, then the i-th frame will be indexed in the frame index box.
++    Increases verbosity. Can be repeated to increase it further, and also
++    applies to `--help`.
++    Displays the options that `cjxl` supports. On its own, it will only show
++    basic options. It can be combined with `-v` or `-v -v` to show increasingly
++    advanced options as well.
+ Examples
+ --------
+Index: libjxl/doc/man/djxl.txt
+--- libjxl.orig/doc/man/djxl.txt
++++ libjxl/doc/man/djxl.txt
+@@ -24,23 +24,65 @@ produced, with names of the form "'outpu
+ Options
+ -------
+-    Displays the options that `djxl` supports.
++    Print version number and exit
++    Sets the number of times to decompress the image. Used for benchmarking, the default is 1.
++    Sets the number of threads to use. The default 0 value means the machine default.
++    Sets the output bit depth. The default 0 value means the original (input) bit depth.
++    If set to a non-zero value, tone maps the image the given peak display luminance.
++    Defaults to original (input) color space
++-s 'N'::
++    If set and the input JXL stream is progressive and contains hints for target downsampling ratios, the decoder will skip any progressive passes that are not needed to produce a partially decoded image intended for this downsampling ratio.
++    Allow decoding of truncated files.
+ -j::
+ --pixels_to_jpeg::
+-    By default, if the input JPEG XL contains a recompressed JPEG file,
+-    djxl reconstructs the exact original JPEG file if the output file has the
+-    `.jpg` (or `.jpeg`) filename extension.
+-    This flag causes the decoder to instead decode the image to pixels and
+-    encode a new (lossy) JPEG in this case.
++    By default, if the input JPEG XL contains a recompressed JPEG file, djxl reconstructs the exact original JPEG file. This flag causes the decoder to instead decode the image to pixels and encode a new (lossy) JPEG. The output file if provided must be a .jpg or .jpeg file.
++-q 'N'::
++    Sets the JPEG output quality, default is 95. Setting an output quality implies --pixels_to_jpeg.
++    Disables rendering spot colors.
++    If specified, writes the preview image to this file.
++    If specified, writes the ICC profile of the decoded image to this file.
++    If specified, writes the ICC profile of the original image to this file. This can be different from the ICC profile of the decoded image if --color_space was specified, or if the image was XYB encoded and the color conversion to the original profile was not supported by the decoder.
++    If specified, writes decoded metadata info to this file in JSON format. Used by the conformance test script
++   Print total number of decoded bytes.
++   Silence output (except for errors).
++    Displays the options that `djxl` supports.
+--q 'quality'::
+-    When decoding to `.jpg`, use this output quality. This option implicitly
+-    enables the --pixels_to_jpeg option.
+ Examples
+@@ -54,6 +96,25 @@ $ djxl input.jxl output.png
+ $ djxl lossless-jpeg.jxl reconstructed.jpeg
+ ----
++# Lossless compression
++Lossless pixel compression only preserves the pixels losslessly, not the input
++bitstream. To check that the pixels are identical, one can do something like
++the following (if this says 0, then the maximum pixel error is 0, so it's
++# Lossless compression of PNG:
++$ cjxl -d 0.0 input.png lossless.png
++# Decompress a JPEG XL file to PNG
++$ djxl lossless.jxl lossless.png
++$ compare -metric pae input.png lossless.png null:
++0 (0)
+ See also
+ --------
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index a1f087e..8b33905 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ continuefinalnonessentialboxtest.patch

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