[neon/qt6/qt6-base/Neon/release] debian: break old qt6-gtk-platformtheme

Jonathan Esk-Riddell null at kde.org
Sat Dec 10 00:56:10 GMT 2022

Git commit 5b3fc877b91548e021ff5a6ef30b5582633d1a7b by Jonathan Esk-Riddell.
Committed on 10/12/2022 at 00:56.
Pushed by jriddell into branch 'Neon/release'.

break old qt6-gtk-platformtheme

M  +3    -1    debian/control
M  +3    -3    debian/qt6-base.links


diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index b8cc058..34a4b38 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -101,9 +101,11 @@ Recommends: libcups2,
 Breaks: libqt6gui6 (<< 6.3.1+dfsg-6~),
         libqt6network6 (<< 6.2.4+dfsg-5~),
         libqt6opengl6 (<< 6.3.1+dfsg-6~),
+        qt6-gtk-platformtheme (<< 6.4),
         qt6-qpa-plugins (<< 6.2.4+dfsg-5~),
         qt6-qpa-plugins (<< 6.3.1+dfsg-6~)
-Replaces: qt6-qpa-plugins (<< 6.2.4+dfsg-5~),
+Replaces: qt6-gtk-platformtheme (<< 6.4),
+          qt6-qpa-plugins (<< 6.2.4+dfsg-5~),
           qt6-qpa-plugins (<< 6.3.1+dfsg-6~)
 Description: Qt 6 core module
  Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
diff --git a/debian/qt6-base.links b/debian/qt6-base.links
index d910990..77728e7 100644
--- a/debian/qt6-base.links
+++ b/debian/qt6-base.links
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # On public path we want qmake6.
+# On public path we want qtpaths6.
 # qmake and qmake6 are identical files. We want people to use qmake6,
+# qtpaths and qtpaths6 are identical files. We want people to use qtpaths6,
 # so we do not install qmake. Instead, qmake is a symbolic link pointing to qmake6.
+# so we do not install qtpaths. Instead, qtpaths is a symbolic link pointing to qtpaths6.
 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qmake6 usr/bin/qmake6
 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qmake6 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qmake
-# On public path we want qtpaths6.
-# qtpaths and qtpaths6 are identical files. We want people to use qtpaths6,
-# so we do not install qtpaths. Instead, qtpaths is a symbolic link pointing to qtpaths6.
 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qtpaths6 usr/bin/qtpaths6
 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qtpaths6 usr/lib/qt6/bin/qtpaths

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