[neon/neon/settings/Neon/unstable] usr/lib/neon_update: make logic easier on the eyes

Harald Sitter null at kde.org
Thu May 20 16:42:29 BST 2021

Git commit 0603c1e0adfc330940bef6db52e645a0de8e2505 by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 20/05/2021 at 15:42.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'Neon/unstable'.

make logic easier on the eyes

all the $ret stuff gave me a right headache and int bools also don't
help. so, use stringy bool named skip instead.

also explain why password prompting logic is the way it is

M  +12   -7    usr/lib/neon_update/neon_offline_skip.sh


diff --git a/usr/lib/neon_update/neon_offline_skip.sh b/usr/lib/neon_update/neon_offline_skip.sh
index e330844..37c9e53 100755
--- a/usr/lib/neon_update/neon_offline_skip.sh
+++ b/usr/lib/neon_update/neon_offline_skip.sh
@@ -2,27 +2,32 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
 if plymouth --ping; then
   TXT0="Preparing system update..."
   TXT1="keys:press 'c' to cancel" # keys: is a special behavior hack we have in breeze-plymouth, putting it in a special label
   plymouth display-message --text="$TXT0"
   plymouth display-message --text="$TXT1"
   timeout -s KILL 10s plymouth watch-keystroke --keys="cC"
-  ret=$?
+  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then # timeout=1, keystroke=0
+    skip="yes"
+  fi
   plymouth hide-message --text="$TXT1"
-  # prompting without plymouth is hella horrible, abuse systemd's password helper as stand-in for plymouth
+  # prompting without plymouth is hella horrible, abuse systemd's password helper as stand-in for plymouth.
+  # Unlike plymouth we need to check the input in some form or fashion though
   out=$(systemd-ask-password --echo --timeout=10 "Enter 'c' and hit enter to cancel system update...")
-  ret=$?
-  if [ "$out" != "" ]; then
+  if [ "$out" = "" ]; then
     # we do not actually care greatly about the input so long as it is not empty. hitting enter isn't really
     # indicative of anything. could mean go away, could mean hurry up. who's to say.
-    ret=0
+    # $out consequently ought only be empty if the timeout was hit or the user hit enter without input
+    skip="no"
+  else
+    skip="yes"
-if [ "$ret" != "0" ]; then
+if [ "$skip" = "yes" ]; then
   echo "Continuing with update"
   exit 0

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