[neon/neon/livecd-rootfs/Neon/release-lts] debian: releasing package livecd-rootfs version 2.664.17

Dimitri John Ledkov null at kde.org
Fri Mar 12 10:45:26 GMT 2021

Git commit d059742988d81112b08ab5662c7b9be5aec258e9 by Dimitri John Ledkov.
Committed on 09/02/2021 at 00:52.
Pushed by jriddell into branch 'Neon/release-lts'.

releasing package livecd-rootfs version 2.664.17

M  +11   -2    debian/changelog


diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f5f31868..93c6c544 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
-livecd-rootfs (2.664.17) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+livecd-rootfs (2.664.17) focal; urgency=medium
+  [ David Krauser ]
   * buildd: produce kernel and initrd as separate artifacts LP: #1910557
   * buildd: call update-initramfs for all installed kernels
     We only have one kernel installed, so we don't need to
     specify an explicit version. LP: #1910557
- -- David Krauser <david.krauser at canonical.com>  Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:00:38 -0400
+  [ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
+  * esp: install grub in ubuntu bootloader id path, instead of removable.
+    (LP: #1912830)
+  * esp: perform fsck. (LP: #1912835)
+  * Perform fsck on all rootfs. (LP: #1912835)
+  * functions: stop removing systemd-detect-virt unconditionally in undivert_grub
+    (LP: #1902260)
+ -- Dimitri John Ledkov <xnox at ubuntu.com>  Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:52:00 +0000
 livecd-rootfs (2.664.16) focal; urgency=medium

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