[neon/3rdparty/sddm/Neon/release-lts] debian: mask pulseaudio service

Harald Sitter null at kde.org
Tue Feb 16 11:01:31 GMT 2021

Git commit 1e4b8308f94271dd8afe0cd222ba30db095ed8fe by Harald Sitter.
Committed on 12/01/2021 at 10:27.
Pushed by sitter into branch 'Neon/release-lts'.

mask pulseaudio service

since sddm runs as a regular user it'd be subject to user session
starting. and since pulseaudio is enabled by default that means sddm
actually starts a pulseaudio that does nothing and gets killed again
when starting the actual user session.
since that is a waste of time and effort we may as well mask the service

M  +8    -0    debian/sddm.postinst


diff --git a/debian/sddm.postinst b/debian/sddm.postinst
index 6d0dd22..e5c350f 100644
--- a/debian/sddm.postinst
+++ b/debian/sddm.postinst
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ if [ ! -e /var/lib/sddm ]; then
     mkdir -p /var/lib/sddm
+# Neon addition.
+# Do not auto-start pulseaudio. It's not necessary for out sddm and unnecesarily
+# causes a bit extra load slowing down startup.
+if [ -d /var/lib/sddm ] && [ ! -d /var/lib/sddm/.config/systemd/user/ ]; then
+    mkdir -p /var/lib/sddm/.config/systemd/user/
+    ln -s /dev/null /var/lib/sddm/.config/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service
 if [ -d /var/lib/sddm ]; then
     chown -R sddm:sddm /var/lib/sddm
     chmod 0750 /var/lib/sddm

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