[neon/neon/livecd-rootfs/Neon/release] /: new version in ubuntu

Jonathan Riddell null at kde.org
Tue Oct 13 12:46:14 BST 2020

Git commit 22cd7828b6b512812af449aaab6ab1d64c5e3a9c by Jonathan Riddell.
Committed on 13/10/2020 at 11:45.
Pushed by jriddell into branch 'Neon/release'.

new version in ubuntu

M  +7    -0    debian/changelog
M  +11   -3    live-build/ubuntu-cpc/hooks.d/base/vagrant.binary


diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 17cb8e51..c8f9ba23 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+livecd-rootfs (2.664.7) focal; urgency=medium
+  [ Stanislav German-Evtushenko <giner> / John Chittum ]
+  * Send Vagrant serial connection to NULL. (LP: #1874453)
+ -- Robert C Jennings <robert.jennings at canonical.com>  Wed, 23 Sep 2020 13:32:32 -0500
 livecd-rootfs (2.664.6) focal; urgency=medium
   [ Patrick Wu ]
diff --git a/live-build/ubuntu-cpc/hooks.d/base/vagrant.binary b/live-build/ubuntu-cpc/hooks.d/base/vagrant.binary
index f9b21d38..504c667e 100755
--- a/live-build/ubuntu-cpc/hooks.d/base/vagrant.binary
+++ b/live-build/ubuntu-cpc/hooks.d/base/vagrant.binary
@@ -153,9 +153,17 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
   config.vm.base_mac = "${macaddr}"
   config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
-     vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uart1", "0x3F8", "4" ]
-# Creating a console log file is not an expected behavior for vagrant boxes. LP #1777827
-#     vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uartmode1", "file", File.join(Dir.pwd, "${prefix}-console.log") ]
+    vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uart1", "0x3F8", "4" ]
+    # Create a NULL serial port to skip console logging by default
+    vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uartmode1", "file", File::NULL ]
+    # If console logging is desired, uncomment this line and remove prior
+    # vb.customize [ "modifyvm", :id, "--uartmode1", "file", File.join(Dir.pwd, "${prefix}-console.log") ]
+    # Ubuntu cloud images, by default, enable console=ttyS0. This enables serial consoles to
+    # connect to the images. With the change related to LP #1777827, removing a serial
+    # file logger, Vagrant image boot times increased and now run greater than 5 minutes
+    # Creating a console log file is not an expected default behavior for vagrant boxes.
+    # As a workaround, we create a console connection to File:NULL. LP #1874453
+    # This is overrideable in user files to write to a local file

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