[neon/qt/qtbase/Neon/release] debian: update list of packages to be done first

Jonathan Riddell null at kde.org
Thu Nov 5 13:13:30 GMT 2020

Git commit 5247cd6d12161437fe76faaa4ac784e72e9f3902 by Jonathan Riddell.
Committed on 05/11/2020 at 13:13.
Pushed by jriddell into branch 'Neon/release'.

update list of packages to be done first

M  +12   -9    debian/README.source


diff --git a/debian/README.source b/debian/README.source
index 90fabcd..7e08787 100644
--- a/debian/README.source
+++ b/debian/README.source
@@ -21,15 +21,18 @@ Build-Depends-Indep on qttools5-dev-tools. Thus you need to do the following
 steps if you want to rebuild the whole Qt stack from scratch:
 * Build only arch-dependent packages from these sources:
-  - qtbase-opensource-src
-  - qtdeclarative-opensource-src
-  - qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src
-  - qtlocation-opensource-src
-  - qtsensors-opensource-src
-  - qtwebsockets-opensource-src
-  - qtwebchannel-opensource-src
-  - qtwebkit-opensource-src
-  - qttools-opensource-src
+  - qtbase
+  - qtdeclarative
+  - qtxmlpatterns
+  - qtlocation
+  - qtsensors
+  - qtwebsockets
+  - qtwebchannel
+  - qt5webkit
+  - qtwebengine
+  - qttools
+  - qtquickcontrols2
+  - qtgraphicaleffects
 * Build the arch-independent packages (-doc and -doc-html) of the above sources.
 * Build the rest of the Qt stack in the usual way.

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