SIGBUS on ( double * )

Marco Bernasocchi marco at
Wed Oct 23 17:12:28 UTC 2013

Hi all, I often get SIGBUS when my code ( hits stuff like this:

GEOSCoordSeq_getX( cs, j, ( double * )&mGeometry[position] );

if I change the call to use memcpy like

double a;
memcpy( a, &mGeometry[position])
GEOSCoordSeq_getX( cs, j, &a )

then all works correctly, the issue is that I've a lot of those calls 
and If I'm not wrong in the past it used to work). could this be because 
of a compiler setting? I'm using necessitas Qt sdk with ndk r8b1 
compiling both with -mthumb and without has the same issue.

thanks a lot
Marco Bernasocchi

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