Review Request: Allow Android Intents to be sent to the application.

/#!/JoePea trusktr at
Sat Jan 5 23:07:13 UTC 2013

This is some nice android-specific stuff. It'd be really nice if we had
some type of C++ and JavaSvript (QML) abstaction to let us access camera,
gyroscope, compass, LED light, etc, for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc.

It'd be similar to PhoneGap (Cordova), but we'd be using Qt/QML instead of
HTML5. Such a project would be amazing.

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revision 3)

static void onNewIntent(JNIEnv * env, jobject thiz, jstring url) {


    const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(url, 0);

  Sorry, I just seen another one.
Please change the following three lines to:

    const jchar * jstr = env->GetStringChars(url, 0);
    QUrl qurl(QString((const QChar*)jstr,  env->GetStringLength(url)));
    env->ReleaseStringChars(url, jstr);

This way you are avoiding two useless conversions:
UTF16 to UTF8 and UTF8 to UTF16

- BogDan

On January 4th, 2013, 4:39 p.m., Micke Prag wrote:
  Review request for Necessitas.
By Micke Prag.

*Updated Jan. 4, 2013, 4:39 p.m.*

This patch makes it possible to call an Android/Qt application using
Intents. The data (url) will be forwarded to the QApplication as a


Tested on Cube U30GT


   - src/android/jar/src/org/kde/necessitas/industrius/
   - src/android/jar/src/org/kde/necessitas/industrius/
   - src/android/jar_4/src/org/kde/necessitas/industrius/
   - src/plugins/platforms/android/src/androidjnimain.cpp (6b5229a)

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