HOWTO qt app without ministro

Harri Pasanen harri at
Mon Nov 19 19:38:22 UTC 2012

On 11/19/2012 07:59 PM, BogDan Vatra wrote:
>> >To address the size issue, I'm going to release two apps on the Market, one for armv5 and one for armv7 !
> Be serious! An user that is not able to install Ministro, I bet (s)he
> can't make the difference between armv5 and armv7 !

Actually Google Play is smart enough to notice if application is armv7 
only, and it will not even be shown on armv5 devices.

Also to note that current hires devices like Kindle Fire HD, new Nexus 
tablet, require huge artwork repositories especially for games.

The new Angry Birds Star Wars appears to be 40Mb+ download.   The same 
can be said for universal apps on Apple store where the same app 
supports both the new iPads and iPhone, even small games are often 15Mb+

So obviously many users are not put off by large downloads.

So on my personal wish list is that someone comes up with a way to just 
tick a checkbox in Necessitas which results in a build with bundled Qt 
libs for a given architecture.

Ministro is a good solution for many use cases, but not all.   If I 
would have to choose Ministro or bundled, I'd pick Ministro any day.    
That said, I don't see bundling and Ministro in any way opposed, but 
rather complementary approaches.

Just my 2 cents,


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