feature request-- implement QTCreator Publish menu-item (Main-menu-->Build-->Publish Project )

BogDan Vatra taipanromania at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 09:13:53 UTC 2012

Hi Nalin,

I already implemented something similar.
Check "Sign package" tab of "package configuration" step, if you have
time, fell free to move it to  "Main-Menu-->Build-->Publish Project"

But the problem is not where this thing is located, but how it works
now and how it should work!
Let me give you a small introduction about android packages. The
beauty of android packages is that in a single .apk you ca bundle bins
for more than one platform (e.g. you can have libs for armv5, for
armv7, for x86 and now even for mips), so, somehow we need to compile
the apps for all these platforms.
Sadly qmake (cmake, etc.)  build systems can not build all these
platforms at once and it is hard and annoying for the user to create a
complete package. Now the user must manually build x times his app
once for every platform.
The good news is that there is a new build system (QBS
http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qbs/index.html ) which is good
enough to build all these platforms at once and even to do the
packaging magic.
The bad news is that currently is not finished and it needs to be
polished before we can use it in production, so if you want to help
necessitas project you can start with this one :) which IMHO now QBS
is the only biggest missing piece to make QtCreator the best IDE for
Android out there.
Please let me know if you want to join our effort !


2012/7/3 Nalin Savara <nsnsns at gmail.com>:
> Hello All,
> Menu-item "Main-Menu-->Build-->Publish Project" is shown as "not
> implemented".
> This means that if we want APK file for distribution etc-- then we need to
> attach a device through USB ; and "compile / deploy"-->> and then copy-paste
> name and path of file from compile output.
> I request:
> 1. I want to volunteer to implement this feature.
> Can someone point me to the correct piece/part of code to look at / change--
> and guide or help me in implementing this feauture ?
> I'm a professional developer with 13+ years of experience-- and I have
> worked a lot with QtCreator for Symbian-- so I believe I'll be able to
> implement this feature.
> You can mail me on nsnsns at gmail dot com ; and also add the nsnsns email
> ID to your google-talk to chat with me.
> 2. Can someone whose currently working on Qt Creator IDE OR others who want
> this feature-- also either email me or comment on this thread ? It will help
> me a lot to have a support system/group with who I can work together and/or
> share progress.
> What say ?
> 3. Is any of the "necessitas" QtCreator core-team already working on this
> feature-- is so, mail me-- and I will also join the gang.
> What say ?
> See attached screenshot to see what menu-item/feature I'm talking off.
> Regards,
> Nal

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