Multimedia support, OpenMAX

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Tue Jan 10 19:58:33 UTC 2012


  NDK r7 has some missing things and can't be for the moment, we'll try to support it as soon as Google will fix the issues.

  If you need to port QAudioOutput, AFAIK it's only supports PCM format you should use OpenSLES instead of OpenMAX, which is available on NDK r6b for API 9+, for the other platforms (API 4..8) we can use android private libs to play the sound.


> I got no replies to my last inquiry, so I assume nobody is working on it 
> actively.
> NDK r7 seems to have new related stuff, namely that it ads  native support for 
> Is there a plan to move to NDK r7 in near future?
> /Harri
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