Simple README with build instructions, architecture overview?

Harri Pasanen harri at
Fri Feb 3 10:58:35 UTC 2012


Unfortunately I have very limited time right now for
delving into the guts of necessitas right now.

That said, I did try to build it so that I could eventually
fix something and contribute.

Unfortunately it first looped on something as it did not find ant.
After installing ant it still seemed to loop building something in java.

Are there any developer getting started howtos, readmes
or other recommended reading?

Just one README outlining the following would go a long way:

* technical overview:

    - java/c++ integration.
    - run time, where do the Qt libs live that ministro downloads?
    this could be just a link to some existing material on web.

* prerequisites  (jdk, ant, ndk, path setup, etc.)

* checkout and build  (approximate time on  a given machine spec)

* testing the build.

* making local modifications

* submitting patches

This README should be in the git repo, or possible at some wiki,
but the README should then have a link pointing to it.

If the first build and test is fluid, it is easy for developers to get 
sucked into
looking at things, fixing things.

Just my 2 cents,


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