Qt tests on android

BogDan bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 19:34:44 UTC 2011

Hi folks,

I have some good news, I pushed a script and an android application (Quadruplor) 

which can be used to run qt tests and retrieve the results. 

There are a few things which are not implemented yet:
- deploy qt libs.
- check if current test app needs OpenGL, load androidGL platforms pulgin and 

pass a special parameter to Quadruplor to inform it that the app willl need OpenGL .
-upload the results ?!?!?

I tested only a few QtCore and QtXml tests, sadly not all tests are compiling,
some of them are hanging (e.g. auto/qchar), other needs some data to be installed
, etc.

Currently I''m very busy at work and I don't have enough time to check all tests, so
I'll appreciate a lot if someone else will try to check them, meanwhile I'll try to finish
the script and Quadruplor.

IMHO this tests are very important because, they will help us to validate our work.


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