Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config

Lauri Laanmets lauri.laanmets at
Fri Nov 11 16:58:42 UTC 2011


On an older HTC Hero (but CyanogenMod 2.3.4), I get the following error:

W/Qt      ( 3347): Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
W/Qt      ( 3347): An error in Android-EGLFS-QPA-plugin occurred in funtion void* q_configFromQPlatformWindowFormat(void*, const QPlatformWindowFormat&), when calling eglChooseConfig. eglGetError returned: 3004
D/Qt      ( 3347): ANativeWindow_settings width  320  height  455  format  1 
D/Qt      ( 3347): QAndroidEglFSScreen::createWindowSurface 0x11b480 
W/Qt      ( 3347): An error in Android-EGLFS-QPA-plugin occurred in funtion QAndroidEglFSPlatformContext::QAndroidEglFSPlatformContext(void*, void*, void*, EGLenum), when calling eglCreateContext(m_eglDisplay,config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttrs). eglGetError returned: 3004
W/Qt      ( 3347): Could not create the egl context  .... error: 3004

Am I doing something wrong?


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