"adb kill" - does it need a root'ed device?

Espen Riskedal espen at cutehacks.com
Wed Jun 22 13:28:05 CEST 2011

> I guess that's when you kill the process from the java side, as
> there's also androidrunner.cpp. Espen, did you try pressing the stop
> debugging button?

Jupp, does nothing (or results in nothing being killed, neither the
app itself nor the gdbserver)

> void AndroidRunner::killPID()
> I think that's what gets called when you press stop in QtCreator:


> We need to change it to from:
> m_killProcess.start(AndroidConfigurations::instance().adbToolPath(),QStringList()<<"-s"<<m_deviceSerialNumber<<"shell"<<"kill"<<"-9"<<QString::number(m_gdbserverPID));
> to something like:
> m_killProcess.start(AndroidConfigurations::instance().adbToolPath(),QStringList()<<"-s"<<m_deviceSerialNumber<<"shell"<<"kill"<<"run-as"<<m_packageName<<"-9"<<QString::number(m_gdbserverPID));
> (may need to re-order the kill order to gdbserver, then then our
> process, I'm not sure).

I just tried it out, and I think you're right.

To kill the gdbserver this worked on my S2:
sudo ./adb shell run-as
eu.licentia.necessitas.industrius.example.fontdrawtest kill -9 14234

I might as well look a bit into Qt Creator code for this part and fix
it if it works OK in there too.

Now at least I know how to kill gdbserver without re-booting ;)


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