Found out the problem with building qt android platform plugins...

mingw android at
Sun Jul 17 01:01:28 CEST 2011

An update on this:

I was being stupid about the armeabi/armeabi-v7a folder thing; we have
separate packages for different abis, but I think we could talk about
not doing this, instead having a leaf folder for each different abi?

I've committed and pushed the fix for building android qt plugins
(qt.prf) with a commented out block which would achieve leaf folders
per abi (for the plugins anyway, of course there'd be a good few other
issues), feel free to remove this commented out block altogether if
you think it's untidy to keep it there.

When I was testing this, I noticed that some plugins weren't being
detected as android and so wouldn't hit that block, this was because
those plugins overwrote QT = android with other stuff. I changed them
to use QT += instead. This shouldn't cause any problems. I'll do more
testing on other platforms to make sure everything is ok.



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